Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Ulcerative colitis blog review

            The blog that I chose is on Ulcerative Colitis. The reason I chose this is because I

have this disease and always enjoy learning more. It is not a well known disease and most

people I talk to about it have no idea what it is. Also, I love hearing other people’s

experiences on it.  The disease is basically described as such. Your colon has ulcers all

through it and is inflamed at all times.  There is no real cure for the disease. 

            The article I chose is called, “Seeking Hope From a Support Group.”  The theme

of the blog is a women who was recently diagnosed with the disease is trying to find hope

from other people with the same disease.  The word that is used most in the text would be

experience.  Everyone in the group talks about their experiences with the disease and

ideas that they have to make it a little better. Another way she uses the word is to describe

how people who don’t have the disease can’t really help because they haven’t

experienced the same things she has and doesn’t know how to help.  I think that there are

a lot of situations in life where it is hard for people to understand situations because they

have never experienced it. For example, the pain in child birth for men.  The author of

this article is saying that she is not expecting people to understand her condition but yet

search for hope from other people and have people be there for her in her hard times.

            In my own experience I feel like I experienced a lot of the same feelings she did.

It’s hard to remember that other people have experienced the same things that I did.  I

ended up losing twenty seven pounds in two weeks and ended up in the hospital for a

week.  All I wanted was to have people who knew what I was going through.  The disease

has totally flipped my life around but knowing that other people have experienced it as

well gave me some hope, just like the writer of the article.  From experiencing this and

reading the blog, it gives me the hope to get through it just like the author wants as well.

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